Blogs from November, 2023

juvenile crime

In Florida, juvenile delinquency encompasses instances where a child is alleged to have committed a delinquent act or violated the law. The juvenile justice system, overseen by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, is specifically designed to address these cases. It operates on principles distinct from the adult criminal justice system, focusing more on rehabilitating the young individuals involved rather than merely penalizing them.

Given the complexities and nuances in this area of law, parents and children involved in the juvenile justice system must stay informed about legislative changes. These changes could modify how delinquent acts are classified or how cases progress, consequently impacting the administration of justice and opportunities available to youths. By enhancing their knowledge, parents and children can better understand their rights and the procedures that may apply to their case.

The Law Offices of Cavanaugh & Cavanaugh, P.A. handles cases related to juvenile crimes in Naples. Schedule a consultation by calling us at (239) 309-2006.

Key Components of Florida Juvenile Delinquency Law

Within Florida, juvenile delinquency is defined as a law violation committed by a child under the age of 18. This violation might constitute a delinquent act, a direct violation of the law, or contempt of court.

The juvenile court process involves various steps:

  • Intake and referral
  • Detention hearing within 24 hours of being taken into custody
  • Arraignment, where the child enters a plea
  • Adjudicatory hearing, where a judge determines whether the child committed the delinquent act
  • Disposition hearing, where the court decides the sanctions to impose on a child found responsible for the offense

In the legal system, juveniles hold rights similar to adults in criminal proceedings. They have the right to representation by counsel, who may be appointed if the child or their family is indigent. Additionally, they have the right to know the charges against them and to remain silent.

Juveniles are detained in separate facilities called juvenile corrections, which include social workers and probation officers. The primary aim of these facilities is to rehabilitate juvenile offenders and prevent recidivism.

Rehabilitation efforts for juvenile offenders involve therapeutic interventions, educational programs, and skills training. These efforts aim to foster a sense of responsibility, enhance life skills, and address underlying issues contributing to delinquent behavior. The ultimate goal is to prepare the juvenile for successful reintegration into society and to prevent future delinquent conduct.

Recent Legislative Updates

May 18, 2023, marked a significant milestone in the legislative landscape of Florida's juvenile delinquency law. On this day, Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 7014 into law, initiating a transformative shift in the educational opportunities available to youths within the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) jurisdiction.

The Bill establishes the Florida Scholars Academy (FSA), a dedicated school system operated under the Florida Virtual School. The FSA is designed to enhance the educational trajectories of youth, with full-time direct instruction tailored to individual learning paths. The operations of the Florida Scholars Academy are projected to commence on July 1, 2024.

Providing educational opportunities to the youth within the DJJ system can be instrumental in preventing reoffending. It equips them with the skills and knowledge required to pursue a wide range of careers, reducing their likelihood of engaging in delinquent behavior.

These educational initiatives could contribute to enhanced community safety. By empowering these youths to follow productive and lawful paths, the chances of crime recidivism decrease. This approach underscores Florida's commitment to rehabilitating its younger population and fostering an environment conducive to their growth and success.

Implications for Juveniles and Their Families

The establishment of the FSA represents a significant development for both juveniles and their families. Through this program, youths under the DJJ can not only work towards attaining a high school diploma or its equivalent but also gain the opportunity to enroll in postsecondary education at a Florida college, university, or technical school. This escalation in educational opportunities aims to provide these youths with a strong foundation, thereby better preparing them for the future.

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Juvenile Delinquency Law

In Florida, the legislative landscape of juvenile delinquency law is dynamic and evolving, marked most recently by the introduction of Senate Bill 7014. Staying abreast of such legislative changes is crucial for parents and children navigating the juvenile justice system. Understanding these nuances facilitates more informed decision-making, helping families protect their rights and interests better.

At the Law Offices of Cavanaugh & Cavanaugh, P.A., we are committed to providing our Naples clients with current, informed, and strategic advice. We invite you to reach out to us at (239) 309-2006 for a consultation.
